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The preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry has started

2024-09-14 Visits:

The preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry has started

On September 13, 2024, the China Machinery Industry Federation organized a kick-off meeting for the preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry in Beijing to deploy related work on the preparation of the plan. The meeting was chaired by Luo Junjie, Executive Vice President of the China Machinery Industry Federation, and Xu Niansha, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the China Machinery Federation, made a summary speech.

The preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry has started

Dai Xi, Director of the Planning and Development Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Huo Fupeng, Deputy Director of the Industrial Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hao Lishun, Deputy Director of the Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Liu Mingda, Director of the Development Planning Division of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and other government department leaders were invited to attend the meeting and speak. More than 110 people including Xue Yiping, Song Xiaogang, Zhao Wencheng, Chen Bin, and Song Zhiming, leaders of the China Machinery Federation, relevant professional associations, institutions, and relevant departments of the China Machinery Federation headquarters attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Chen Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Machinery Federation and deputy director of the Expert Committee, made a speech on the overall ideas, key issues, and system structure of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry, and put forward suggestions on the overall arrangements for the planning work.

Zhao Shanshui, executive vice president of China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, Li Shaohua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, Jian Jingwen, assistant to the president of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, Lv Ying, deputy secretary-general of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Wang Dongsheng, executive vice president and secretary-general of China Foundry Association, Shi Zhenshan, deputy director of the Comprehensive Technology Research Institute of Machinery Industry Instruments, and Xu Donghua, president of the Machinery Industry Economic Management Research Institute, and other responsible comrades of some system units exchanged views on the development of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the existing problems, and the situation faced during the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, and put forward ideas and suggestions for the preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan".

Leaders from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and other government departments introduced the overall ideas, compilation plans and time arrangements of the "15th Five-Year Plan" of each department in the country and key areas in their speeches, analyzed the domestic and international situations facing the development of the manufacturing industry at present and in the future, and fully affirmed the important position of the machinery industry in the development of the national economy, and put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions for the compilation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" of the machinery industry.

Finally, Xu Niansha, President of the China Machinery Federation, made a summary speech at the meeting. Xu Niansha pointed out that the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" reviewed and approved by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clarified the guiding ideology, general goals and major principles for further deepening reforms. In general, the reform tasks are heavy and the requirements are high, which also puts forward higher requirements for the development of the machinery industry during the "15th Five-Year Plan" period. Xu Niansha emphasized that the compilation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" of the machinery industry should be closely linked to the characteristics of the times. First, pay close attention to changes in the international security environment and political environment, second, pay close attention to the profound changes in the global economic situation, and third, pay close attention to changes in the global scientific and technological environment. Regarding how to do a good job in the preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" for the machinery industry, President Xu Niansha put forward requirements from five aspects: first, fully implement the central deployment and implement the new development concept; second, strengthen organizational leadership and establish a sound work system as soon as possible; third, clarify the role and mission and fully reflect the responsibilities and functions of the industry association; fourth, ensure the quality of work and implement the plan preparation work plan in place; fifth, combine reform and development and conduct some exploration and innovation. Xu Niansha said that the China Machinery Federation sincerely hopes that the leaders of government departments will continue to give strong support to the development of the machinery industry and the work of the China Machinery Federation, guide us to do a good job in planning, and also hope that the plan can provide support for the policy formulation of government departments.

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